by Carla Seaquist | Mar 18, 2020 | Op-ed
GIG HARBOR, WASH.—It’s disturbing to watch bad ideas grow legs. In the deadly firestorm ignited by the Danish cartoons caricaturing Islam, one bad idea—the “clash of civilizations”—seems to have found its feet. The agenda shaping up for this...
by Carla Seaquist | Mar 18, 2020 | Essay
Who will raise the radioactive issue—torture—and restore America’s soul? To gauge by the rising din of issue-talk, the 2006-08 electoral Games have begun. Candidates running for Congressional seats have already taken a few laps; the presidential candidates...
by Carla Seaquist | Mar 18, 2020 | Op-ed
GIG HARBOR, WASH.—Taking care of the troops under his command is an officer’s sacred duty. That duty applies exponentially to a commander-in-chief. Yet the present commander-in-chief, George W. Bush, has further jeopardized the troops he sent to Iraq and...
by Carla Seaquist | Mar 18, 2020 | Op-ed
2008 Candidates have an opportunity to face down barbaric tactics in interrogation GIG HARBOR, WASH.—Finally! Americans have an opportunity to face down a monster—the ignominy of using barbaric torture tactics in the name of national security—let loose upon us by the...